Luxury Concept v1.0.5 Released

October 15, 2023 9:04 am

Releases, New features

I have released the Luxury Concept Theme version 1.0.5!

I added more interesting features:

  1. Accessibility Menu and Sub menu navigation (navigate with keyboard)
  2. Skip link to content (accessibility)
  3. Box Features Pattern
  4. Default masonry posts block pattern
  5. Footer sticky bar

The Sticky Bar at the end of the page is a great tool to boost conversions! The customers can contact you in a very fast mode.

stickybar luxury concept

You can enable it on all devices or only on desktop or only on mobile.
You can manage settings and link on WordPress Customizer.

stickybar settings luxury concept

Here the changelog:

= 1.0.5 =

  • Added accessibility Menu and Sub menu navigation (navigate with keyboard)
  • Added skip link to content
  • CSS optimized
  • Added Box Features Pattern
  • Added default masonry posts block pattern
  • Added footer sticky bar

= 1.0.4 =

  • Fix header bugs

= 1.0.3 =

  • Fix Bugs
  • Added Mobile Header Menu
  • Added caption posts and pages featured images
  • Code optimized

= 1.0.2 =

  • Fix Bugs
  • WordPress validated

= 1.0.1 =

  • Fix Bugs
  • Html and CSS W3C Validated

= 1.0.0 =

  • Added a topbar with welcome message
  • Added Woocommerce Ajax Mini Cart Header
  • Added Custom Breadcrumb with Woocommerce support
  • Custom control (range number) WP customizer
  • Added support to Yoast SEO Breadcrumbs
  • Custom control (Toggle) WP customizer
  • Sticky Header (yes or not)
  • Fixed Dropdown menu
  • Add WP Customizer Setting
  • Added Menus
  • Added WooCommerce support (default css style)
  • Show Post Author on comments
  • Show user role on comments
  • Comments template
  • Page templates
  • Base Engine Theme

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