Luxury Concept v1.5.6 released!

August 8, 2024 1:40 pm

New features, Releases

It has been released a new version of Luxury Concept WordPress Theme v1.5.6!

We have fixed several bugs…

…and we have added a lot of new features!

Check the version 1.5.6 of the changelog here.

== Changelog ==

= 1.5.6 =

  • [FIX] – Text color Gutenberg
  • [FIX] – Change specificity css link underline
  • [NEW] – Animation blocks. Added to every Gutenberg Blocks the section (Animation Settings) to animate HTML elements (div, sections, img etc…)
    Managed by animations.js and blocks-extension.js
  • [NEW] – Introduced these new animations: slideInRight, slideInLeft, slideInTop, slideInBottom, zoomIn, zoomOut, fadeIn
  • [NEW] – Introduced these new easing animation effects: easeLinear, easeInQuad, easeOutQuad, easeInOutQuad, easeInCubic, easeOutCubic, easeInOutCubic, easeInBounce, easeOutBounce, easeInOutBounce
  • [FIX] – Menu Hamburger color issues
  • [NEW] – Added WP customizer option to manage caption portfolio colors
  • [FIX] – Excluded unsupported block from extension_blocks.js (core/calendar, core/rss, core/tag-cloud, core/latest-comments)
  • [NEW] – Added PORTFOLIO Gutenberg Block (luxuryconcept/portfolio)
  • [FIX] – Fixed box Shadow color scrolled header
  • [FIX] – Fixed thumbnail images sizes
  • [NEW] – Added FULL HD image size (2048px – Not Cropped)
  • [FIX] – Fixed bugs on add data-description and data-title add to images functions
  • [NEW] – Added Search icon on quickmenu and Overlay Search
  • [NEW] – Box Author on single post with show/hide option on WP Customizer
  • [NEW] – Blog template (left,right or no sidebar) option on WP Customizer
  • [FIX] – Fixed Issues on main wrapper container width with large contents
  • [NEW] – Added ToolTips – See Usage on readme file
  • [NEW] – Added reset button on WP Customizer to set default settings value
  • [FIX] – Fixed font-family bugs
  • [NEW] – Enabled font sizes responsive into Gutenberg Editor (WP fluid mode)
  • [EDIT] – Change default font sizes values into WP Customizer to Responsive values
  • [OPTIMIZATION] – Loads Native JS scripts only when necessary
  • [NEW] – Added blockquote block style – Double mark icon
  • [NEW] – Added blockquote block style 1 – Double mark icon poetry style
  • [NEW] – Added image block style – Hand Dawn
  • [NEW] – Added videocam svg icon
  • [FIX] – Fixed SplideJS bugs and enable video thumbnail
  • [OPTIMIZATION] – Change width to 24px for touch targets icons (standard)

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